ICACR 2023

2023 7th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots has been held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from August 4-6, 2023.

ICACR 2023 Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 979-8-3503-0287-5)
Online in IEEE Digital Library | Ei Compendex | Scopus Index

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On August  5, 2023, Prof. Wan Zuha Wan Hasan, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia gave the Welcome Message. Prof. Youfu Li, IEEE Fellow, City University of Hong Kong; Prof. Makoto IWASAKI, IEEE Fellow, IEEJ Fellow, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan; Prof. Liang Yan, Beihang University, China; Assoc. Prof. Jen Jen Chung, The University of Queensland, Australia; gave the excellent speeches.
On August  6, 2023, Prof. Min Li, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China, Assoc. Prof. Zhifu Li, Guangzhou University, China, and Assoc. Prof. Wenfeng Hu, Central South University, China gave online speeches.

Sesssion Group Photos:

Title: Design and Implementation of a Following Vehicle Based on ROS and UWB
Presenter: Yun-Shuai Yu, National Formosa University, Taiwan, China

Title: Analysis of an Optimized LightGBM based on Different Objective Functions for Customer Churn Prediction in Telecom
Presenter: Pang Ying Han, Multimedia University, Malaysia

Title: Deep Learning Framework-based Automated Multi-class Diagnosis for Neurological Disorders
Presenter: Khuhed Memon, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia

Title: Evaluation of Point Cloud Registration Algorithm for Global Map Generation in Multi Robot Slam in Uneven Terrain
Presenter: Vishnu Joshi, PES University, India

Title: E3D: A Scaled-up Framework for Human Action Recognition
Presenter: Vayam Jain, Delhi Technological University, India

Title: Autonomous Landing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a Mobile Platform
Presenter: Felix Sihitshuwam Dalang, Innopolis University, Russia